Ukrán Országos Önkormányzat
Az Ukrán Országos önkormányzat elnöke:
Szabó Jároszláva
Bernáth Viktória
Kormányos Alekszandra
Burij Anatolij
Ignácz Istvánné
Faragó Galina
Grexa Liliana
Hortyányi Jaroszlava
Ladányi Sándorné
Dr. Rucskó Viktor
Dr. Sajtos Zapotocsnaja
Sikk Jozsefné
Dr. Stefuca Viktória
Szofilkanics Judit
Turik Oleg
Designing sustainable, high-performance buildings requires an integration of architectural and engineered systems into a balanced design of sustainability…
- Based on your project, get only what's needed
- Cost effective, to secure construction process
- Premium quality. We always get the best people
We are here to meet your demand and resolve architecture issues the most beneficial way for you. Our skilled experts are able to resolve complex and unusual cases in the shortest time.
- Each case for us is unique
- People are our ultimate resource
- We take Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express
Through this experience Warmhouse has acquired a high level of expertise in the design and realisation of high-profile and luxury schemes, always reducing the complexity.
- Commercial
- Education & Campus
- Healthcare & Life Sciences
A csapatunk
Archivolt is the place where you can be sure for your house and interior. We have a team of professionals who work on providing you with the best service and creative solutions. e are happy to complete the most complex projects and to provide you with the interior of your dream!
Let’s Get in Touch
Contact details
Phone: (555)123-4567
E-mail: info@demolink.org
Address: Alexandria, 32 Washingtorn str, 22303
Opening hours:
Monday — Thursday 10:00 – 23:00
Friday — Sunday 10:00 – 19:00